6 steps to make young women and men food champions now!
Young women and men do not see a future in food production and look for opportunities elsewhere. They see their parents struggle to survive and aspire a better future. They lack access to resources, such as land, financial and non-financial services, markets and access to benefits. They are not involved in decision making, either at household level or in producer organisations. This leaves not only the rural communities, but also the food sector ánd consumers with a huge problem: the future of our food s is at stake. Do you recognize this?
It does not have to be that way
Young women and men ……
- see a future for themselves in the food sector
- have access to resources and benefits
- apply good agricultural practices
- have access to markets
- are an example for others in their communities
- become leaders for change
What is needed to achieve this?
Young women and men ….
Step 1 Vision: …place food in the context of a wider vision
Step 2 Vision Journey: …place food as a significant contribution towards their vision
Step 3 Increasing Food Incomes Challenge Action Tree: …look at production (Good Agricultural practices, environmental issues), marketing (including relationships with companies) and household (youth) challenges to increasing incomes. It then asks young women and men what they see as solutions that they can implement themselves and make 10 change commitments.
Step 4 Gender and Youth Balance Tree: …look in more detail at the middle household part of the Challenge Action Tree to analyse how division of labour within the household can be made more equitable and efficient, and how ownership, decision-making and expenditure can better reward those doing the work.
Step 5 Change Leadership Map: …identify existing social networks through which messages can be delivered on a voluntary basis to disseminate planning skills, technical information and gender equality.
Step 6 Food calendar: …draft a food calendar before technical trainings to plan use of income for inputs and effective and timely activities
See the video Youth empowerment in coffee business in Indonesia
I can assist you in designing and implementing such a programme or component.
I offer strategic sessions of half an hour, in which you get a new perspective about the problem and see whether this approach is something for you. Register for a strategy session.
Contact: Catherine van der Wees
Email: info@gendersmartsolutions.nl
Skype: weesobeng
http://www.galsatscale.net and GameChange Network
Get in touch!