Offer Gender

Checklist How to make your producer programmes gender smart
Submit your name and address to receive a checklist how to make your producer programmes gender smart. Contact

What is  Gender Action Learning for Sustainability for Scale (GALS@scale)
Do you want to know what a household methodology looks like? Do you want to know more about the GALS@scale methodology? Do you want to know why you should implement gender strategies and for who? What are the benefits? What is GALS@scale, what does it do? What are the principles, strategies and tools? How to scale up? How to measure results? Where is GALS being implemented? What is the next step?

I do presentations on my experiences with GALS. This is free in the Netherlands, and for outside I only charge transport and accommodation costs.  Contact

Read more about GALS. What is GALS?

Do you want to know how to design your programmes gender smart? I will soon be making webinars. Sign up for updates! Contact

What farmers future looks like?
You want to find out how farmers see their future, and where they stand now? I hold focussed group discussions with female and male farmers and together we find out!
Read more about What farmers future looks like

Design your own gender smart programme- the VIP day
Do you train mostly male farmers in your programmes, and you want to change that? Do you find it difficult to make your programme to farmers gender smart? During this day, especially for you and with you, I assist you to design  your company vision and vison plan  to make your producer programmes gender smart.  Through this, your services to farmers will become much more efficient and effective, and the quantity and quality of sustainable production will increase.
Read more about Design your own gender smart programme – the VIP day

Design your gender smart programme – 3 day workshop
Would you like to design a gender smart producer programme, but would like to some assistance with this? During the  3 day workshop we analyse 5 key areas to make your producer programmes gender smart. You work with people from different organisations,   who each design their  own gender smart programme.
Read more about Design your gender smart programme –  3 day workshop

Gender smart programme designed  and implemented for you
You like somebody  to  design and implement a gender smart  programme (component) for you? I design a gender smart programme or component for you for submission to donors, and will manage its implementation. As a result, you  improve your relationship with  female and male farmers, who  get more control over their lives, thereby both parties achieve their goals more effectively and efficiently, the business case for all parties!
Read more about  Gender Smart Programme

Your gender or generational smart activity 
You want one specific gender smart component? Although a gender smart programme  spread over one year forms a proven set of activities to achieve success, we can also discuss if you want to work out a specific component.
Read more about Your gender or generational smart activity

Happy Family, Happy Coffee
Do you want to improve your relationship with farmers? Do you want to make your technical training more cost effective, and better targeted? Do you want to improve planning at farm household level? Do you want to make your service provision to farmers inclusive and gender smart? Then the Happy Family, Happy Coffee programme is the answer.
Read more about Happy Family, Happy Coffee  see GALSGAPS Overview Indonesia

What to choose
Do you need help to determine which services you need? I would like to assist you in this. Every month I reserve a number of places for a free  strategic session , in which you get a new perspective about the problem and see whether one of my services are something for you. You want to qualify for this?

Catherine van der Wees
Skype: weesobeng
Gender Smart Solutions
Gender Action Learning for Sustainability at Scale 
Gender Action Mainstreaming for Empowerment to Change Network
Coffee and Gender Action